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What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

Okay, now what does that mean?

Well, in the 21st century, a website is your storefront and SEO is your rent.

I’ll explain.

While in the past businesses relied on local advertising and word-of mouth, today, 80% of consumers use search engines like Google to find information about local businesses.

what is seo


So, you know you need a website, and you may already have one, but now your website needs to be found by your potential customers.


what is seoThat’s a great question.

Fundamentally, Google showcases results that satisfies the user’s question.

For example.

Say you’re trying to make dinner and you’re not quite sure how to chop that onion.

So you turn to Google:

what is seo

Now, what results will Google show you? They will give you the best answer to that question.

So you can see, Google highlights what they think is the best answer to your question.

The purpose of SEO is to determine:

1. What are the questions people are asking about my industry?

2. How can I best answer those questions?

3. How can Google know that I have the best answers?

Now, of course, simply having the best answers aren’t enough to get you to Google page #1. There are other factors Google takes into account before showcasing your site as a result.

There are a couple of more things to consider:

• User Experience

• Readability

• Speed

• Authority

Let’s break it down.

First, your site needs to be user friendly. If your site is difficult to navigate or hard to read, people will leave fast, and when people leave fast, Google interprets that as a sign your ste is no good.

Same thing with speed.

If your site takes too long to load, people will leave in a hurry.

A good SEO agency will take care of all these factors; not just one or just a few.

And one last thing:


Your site needs to have authority. Google needs to trust your site before it shows it to users.

How do you gain trust?


Backlinks are links from other sites to your site, these links are like a vote of confidence for your site. These links show Google that other industry insiders trust your site, which causes Google to trust it as well.

Okay, so how do you get backlinks?

Great question.

A solid SEO expert will craft content for your site that will appeal to people who run sites in your industry so that they’ll link back to your site.

Obviously, such a strategy requires knowledge, creativity and discipline.

But that’s why we’re here.

Precision Brands will step in as your personal SEO expert to help you drive traffic to your site from your target audience.

Don’t be shy, give us a call. Or send us an email ( Even better, stop by for a visit. Either way  contact us today to begin seeing serious results from Google.